Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Taiwan, the first country I have come to.

Hi Every body. Glad to see you. Have a good time. This the first time I go out of my country, these were so many strange in Taiwan. Something are familiar but most are different. By the trouble in getting the tickets, so we would go here lately 1 day after the beginning of the course. So we did not attend the the 2 first days' program. The Taiwanese are very friendly and kindly, they picked up us from the airport, brought us to the university and helped us to arrange the room, a clean room with all necessaries. My friend, Ms Thu was arranged in the girl dorm, and I was arranged in the boy's dorm which is 5 minutes walking from her place. I hope this will be the big chance for me to practice my English skills, especially in speaking. The time in university was not the good time to improve my E skills, I had not use E most of time, then my E speaking is so so bad, and it will be the biggest trouble for going abroad. I wished that my girl friend could go with me so I would have not any troubles. It was about 6:00 when I came into my room in the forth floor, room 406. The security here is vary good. Anybody who want to get in or out of the dorm must have 1 card, and I have not. So they said that whenever I want to get in or out, I just inform them to open the doors, it not really convenient for me I think that it's necessary condition. So you see our dorm as some of photos below. A knocking resounded as I just seated down. I opened the door, a Vietnamese, It was really amazing to me. He is a Vietnamese who are studying here for the master degree. His name is Tho, same as my best friend's name 3T Moc. He comes from South of Vietnam and he is really very kind. He introduced me some of special things here, so I will familiar with this land much faster. And I had the first Taiwanese dinner. It was so much of cooking oil. But I could easy to accept it as a yielding one. And I also meet other Vietnamese, they have been here to study for several years, all are elder then me, so I call them brothers and sisters. I think I am vary lucky in this way.

Came back to the dorm after the meal, I met some of American students who had been here from the beginning of the course, we had a short introducing about each other. They are so funny guys, and kindly guys too.
Mat is my roommate, he comes from a state of U.S. He is very tall, may be over 1.9m. Hi, so I am so short when standing next to him. That was difficult to me to start a relation with a strange cause of the different in traditions, languages. I can hear what he said but it is hard for he to understand me. Deni, the nice Taiwanese boy is our leader who will be responsible for strange while we are here. He can speak fluently, so it is easy for me to understand. He is very young, 21 years old. I have received some of necessaries. I was so glad. I also learned to use the washing machine, water machine, and something else. That was my first day in Taiwan, It could not be better.

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