Friday, July 23, 2010


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For friends come from

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Hello every body

Today is nearly the last day of the Business camp, so I have talked to Dr. Jih to got 10 minutes in the break time. Thu and I want to say some thing.

Before coming to Taiwan, we had thought so much because of our English and because of the current working. And at last, we decided to stop the work and join the course and it was really a right decision. Now I think that the different in language is not the trouble anymore because we are open and respect each other.

In Taiwan, we have seen many of traditional things, it’s really interesting such as Taipei 101, Night Market, Foods, your friendship, your way in development... , and we want to discover more if we have more time. Thanks a lot for those.

It is so difficult for me to talk and listen at the same time. I am trying my best. These days are very interesting. This course is a helpful experience for me. When we come back to Vietnam, I will miss all of you so much. I hope to see you again in Vietnam. And we also want to introduce something about our country, Vietnam.

In the last century, Vietnam was famous as the country in which is broken by two wars. But Vietnam today is very different. Vietnam today is very lively, Vietnamese ’s people are very friendly and open hearted, like me. There are more and more high buildings and large factories. Our country each day is a new page. Vietnam in the map look like the “S” letter, we are very lucky since nature gives us many beautiful landscapes to travel. When coming to Vietnam, you can visit many of amazing views, eat many kinds of food that you have never eaten before. Vietnam food is very special. Can talk about VN such as the place of eating and drinking. If you know the way, everything is very cheap and don’t worry. In Viet Nam you can find and buy many things in many shops, you also can visit amusement park to play and have fun such as sport club, dancing, game, supermarket, and so on.

I can't tell you all interesting things in Vietnamese country. The clips below will help me to show you some typical things in Vietnam.

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At last, we want to say thanks to…

–Dr. Jih, Dr. Chin, Dr. Lu, Dr. Yea.

–Taiwanese friends.

–American friends.

Contact us anytime if you come to Vietnam.

Our phone numbers:

Thu: 0982 151 028, Chinh: 0977 783 880

Thank you for your patience to listen to me

Well come to Vietnam

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