Monday, July 19, 2010

Jang Ming Shan - A famous moutain in Taiwan

Jang Ming Shan - Núi Dương Minh

Last Sunday was a free day, so we had got a travel to a moutain in Taipei. It's name is Jang Ming Shan, In Vietnam, we called it "nui Duong Minh".
We started from the dorm at 9 o'clock, passed through the university to get one more bicycle for me. This country is famous for producing many types of bicycle, so many of students here use bicycle to go to university, and the university made many parking grounds everywhere. I could see some of bicycles broken, they seems be forgot in a long time. Mr Tho said that they were be left by graduated students. So anyone may use them if it is necessary.
And I had been borrowed a bicycle for the trip. It was a small one with a high seat. I was grad after a long time without traveling by bicycle.

First we went to the railway station where we would catch the train to Taipei. It is an old station, but it has the ticket booking machines which I have never seen in Vietnam, and all the indications are all in Chinese, it was hard for me to understand, so Mr Cuong booked the ticket for me, it costs 57 ND to travel to Taipei. I took some of photos by myself while waiting for the train.
This was the first time they travel to mountain , so they were very interesting.
Then we were in the train. It took nearly an hour to go to Taipei, so we used most of time talking about the differences from Vietnam and Taiwan. Ms Thu thought that there are more traditional things in our country than in Taiwan after the traveling to the Museum the day before, but there is one thing which can not be negated that is Taiwanese's creativeness, they could make the huge things from the small ones, and that's thing we need to learn from them. After leaving the train, we caught a bus to go to the mountain, I saved the time to view though the glasses, Taiwanese construction is not colorful than Vietnamese, and not unique than in Vietnamese neither, but if you see in the overview, you and see the ordering and the long-term programing in which they have done.

Some small flower types were grew on walls, so it is so funny if you can see, I like it very much. I found that the most of Taiwanese use one type of card for transportation, you can image that it is similar to a telephone card which you used for each of call. And with some strange like us, we need to bring changes in order to go outside. It cost 15ND. We were arrival in Jang Ming Shan at 12 o'clock, so we had a short relaxing before continuing the trip. Ms Thu was intersted in studying to take some of photos by Mr Cuong's camera, she even seat directly on the ground to take the photos. Then we caught an other bus to move to the mountain's top. The bus driver is a old woman, she has a short hair, and she is a skilled driver, I found that there are not many differences in works between man and woman here, and the drivers are usually old people. The way ran around the mountain's slope, so when the bus run to high positions, you can see amazing views, I was really socked. When the bus was arrival at the target, the 7th point of 9-point travel, we found that it was a really beautiful place. It was height more than 800 meters. We had take a photos for our group. It was so clear here, so I wanted to breath as I can. It was very interesting. Then we began the trip as the mountain climbers. At beginning of each distance, we saw a table which tell us about the typical animals and characteristics. From the base of the mountain, I could see the clouds covering most of the top. It promised that we'll be enjoy with the trip. While we were climbing, suddenly we smelt a terrible smell, "what is this smell?", "Why is it creasing as our steps". And we had found the season that it was a special chemical phenomena which had been occurred for a long time. It occurs on the rock, and makes the air with the S element, so it has the typically terrible smell. You can see the rocks with something coloring yellow, the chemical might be occurred there

Mr Cuong was reading the introducing about the phenomena. After climbing for about 30 minutes, we found a small lizard which has a long blue tail, that was the first time we saw a lizard like this. So we tried to photograph it, but it seemed detect us and quickly ran into the grasses, so we did not success. After some minutes climbing, we found a place to relaxing. We sit down and eat some cakes and some bananas. Ms Thu felt so tired, so we left her with ms Giang to continue the expecting that conquesor the top of the mountain.

I did found an other lizard, this one was much bigger than the one before. So I quickly took a photos before it could detect me and running away. So I had a nice view about the lizard with the long blue tail.

At last, we reached the top of the mountain, it was so nice to view to the lower. We did not smell the terrible smell anymore, I thought that the air which brings the smell was so heavy, then it could not go higher. At this place, we only could see the clouds covering us, I even could not see others from 20 meters. We stopped and relaxed. How wonderful the view was. I could feel the wind blowing through my hair, and clouds covering around me, they made me feel wet.
The sunlight came through the clouds to warm us up. The big wind flew all the clouds away. That we could see the base of the mountain, it was one of the most amazing view I had ever seen before.

And we met some of friends ...
After putting the back on the floor of the observatory in some minutes, we went down, the view was too interesting, so I really did not to leave soon.
From the height, the car park looked so small ...

And we waited to catch a bus to back to the first point of the trip.
We were going to Shin Lin Market after catching the bus. An other trip was continuing.

The trip gave me a special feeling about the nature creativeness. And I would like to show all of my friends about that.

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