Saturday, July 24, 2010

Go to the Beach

This was my sencond Saturday in Taiwan. With the enthusiasm of Esther, we took an plan to the beach in this morning.
Start at about 9 o'clock, walked from Chung Sheng Hall to the main gate of the university, all of us were excited in this trip.

The bus caught us in the Chung Sheng Hall, it was a small bus which was exactly enough for the number of us. And we started the trip. I sit beside Jeremy, he wore a dark glasses as a gangster.

Because I raised my hand to capture, so Matt was posing.

Through the way to the beach, I had seen so many of nice views and captured quickly some of them.

This is Taipei 101 seeing from a far distance.
And I enjoyed the picture bellow so much. Do you know who he is ? He seemed going to eat the tower.

Jeremy was tried to sleep.
There are some of beach views from our bus ...

The bus stopped for us to captures some of nice vies. Everybody left the bus and started posing.

Thu took me a photograph with the rock which jutted out of the cave.

And this was a funny pictures of Ivan, Nick and Ari, the victim.

We also took a collective picture.

At last, we were arrival at the care park of the beach. We did not go to the beach immediately, we decided to walk around to a famous Temple (but I don't know its name).
After few minutes walking, we changed to walking by bicycles, we rented some of double and single bicycles. It cost 80$ for each of bicycle. I and Danny were in a double bicycle.
Unfortunately that our bicycle was broken after 10 minutes traveling, so we must stopped to solve the trouble.

And many of friends had went back to help us. The others were coming to the Temple.

Then Danny found a phone number to call someone to fix the bicycle, after about 15 minutes, we continued the travel.

I and Danny went into a underground trench which is about 3 km long. The base of the trench was made very careful.
Danny took a call and he said that it was a heavy rain at the other side of the trench.
When we were arrival to the other side of the trench, many people were stopped and been waiting by the rain. Group of Ari Esther and others were all wet, so we seem were lucky guys. Some of them were able to reach the target to see the Temple.

We backed to the start point, Danny proved to be strong, he supported continuously for me, so our bicycle were one of the first ones go out of the trench. We stopped in which had a lean-to and seats. The others were all arrival after that. Danny were be sick, so Nick gave him a Blue shirt to keep him warm. Most of us were worried to Danny because he has been good for everyone. We came back to where we had rented the bicycles, Danny and Durant, Pony were later. They wanted to care about Danny.
We came to the park and went to the Sea food restaurant. I bought a sandal for myself, it is pasted with Panda' pictures.

The sea food restaurant is very famous in Taiwan, and the price is not cheap to. It cost 200$ for each of us. But it was really strange and delicious, it included octopus, shrimp, shark, seaweed, ... and some of fish (but I didn't know the names).

After the lunch, we came back to the beach and booked the ticket to go into the beach. I did not bring the swimming clothes, so it was the big trouble.
I left my camera in my bag and put into Thu's bag. So we had not few captures.
I thought that I would not swim, but when I saw the sea I'd changed. I'd swum so much, until I feel cold. Ira brought the volleyball, so we played in the water. But the ball had been sweep away by the waves. Some of Taiwanese also came to the beach, but they did not swim a lot.
We captured some pictures on the sand.

After swimming, I walked around to find clothes to change for the wet one I was wearing. I chose one short with some sharks shapes. It looks so funny.
Because having time, I came into a 7-eleven to find a cup of coffee. I can see the 7-eleven stores everywhere in Taiwan. They are really convenient with 24/24 hours serving a day. I also chose a cake which was made from 1 fry-float plate and 1 fry-egg, it was not bad, that was enough for the dinner. So I came to the bus and wait, with Jeremy and Rick.

Waiting faces
In the way home, Jeremy made noise, I think that he was very tired.

The city in night was so beautiful, so I really wanted to capture it, but if I had turned on the flash, others would be awoken, so I did not capture anymore.

City in the night, not really clearly.

We were arrival at Chung Sheng Hall at nearly 21 o'clock, and said "goodbye" before coming back the the dorms. Some were dated to meet at 22h30 to go for Pool.
I had gone to play too, but I was lost among the street. It took me 1 and a half hour to find the way to the dorm. (I had to call Mr Cuong to know the way). It was funny that while I was lbeing lost, it rained. So I had to buy an umbrella for continuing. It cost 99$. It will not be a problem because we are going to LaLa mountain next morning.

Good night.


  1. Yesterday was really unfortunate, because there had heavy rain.
    If no rain, I believe that would be more fun!
    Next time you come to Taiwan, you can go more places to play.
    Taiwanese are very hospitable.

  2. Thank you Rita.
    I want to have another chance to come back to Taiwan.
